Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation - Virtual Services with Guaranteed Acceptance Nationwide by Accredited and Licensed Clinicians - AOD For Court, Probation, Parole, Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Possession Cases, and all Employment Assessments.

Welcome To Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

Regardless of the reason why you are here, it must be because you need to do an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation. I know what you’re thinking: why an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation? I’m not a drug addict or an alcoholic! I mean yeah I have a couple of beers with friends every now and then or maybe a glass of wine with the girls while the kids play together, but what happened was a one-time thing! It was a mistake! They’re trying to treat me like I live under a bridge shooting up all the time! If this sounds familiar, then you likely fall in with the majority of individuals who have to undergo an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation: regular people who made a mistake and got caught.

It happens to the best of us. Let’s be honest though, how many times did you just happen not to get caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing? If you have ever driven home a little quickly after drinking, let your friend who you knew has some weed on him into your car, or had a beer or two on your lunch break from the office then technically all those times you just got lucky and this time happened to be the one where the cards fell where they did. Well, we are here now so let’s try and make the best of it. Let’s start off by explaining exactly what an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation entails.

Why do I need an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation?

Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are NON-DUI assessments (also known as substance abuse assessments). Evaluations may be court-ordered for various reasons by Judges, probation officers, pretrial diversion officers, and law enforcement agencies that may deem it necessary to assess a person's addiction severity to substances.

Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are NON-DUI assessments. In order to qualify for the $109 rate, payment must be made the SAME DAY you schedule an appointment. Our regular rate is $110.

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Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

If you are reading this, then it is likely you got yourself into some kind of trouble. Maybe you were pulled over and had a substance in your car that was illegal in your state. Maybe you got into a fight with someone at a bar after a night of drinking. Maybe you’re about to lose a relationship due to a habit you really wish you could take care of.

Maybe your boss has told you he was going to fire you unless you could start providing some clean urine samples and you have no idea how you are going to be capable of making that happen on your own. Regardless of the reason why you are here, it must be because you need to do an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation. I know what you’re thinking: why an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation? I’m not a drug addict or an alcoholic! I mean yeah I have a couple of beers with friends every now and then or maybe a glass of wine with the girls while the kids play together, but what happened was a one-time thing! It was a mistake! They’re trying to treat me like I live under a bridge shooting up all the time! If this sounds familiar, then you likely fall in with the majority of individuals who have to undergo an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation: regular people who made a mistake and got caught. It happens to the best of us.
Let’s be honest though, how many times did you just happen not to get caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing? If you have ever driven home a little quickly after drinking, let your friend who you knew has some weed on him into your car, or had a beer or two on your lunch break from the office then technically all those times you just got lucky and this time happened to be the one where the cards fell where they did. Well, we are here now so let’s try and make the best of it. Let’s start off by explaining exactly what an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation entails.
An Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is at its most basic an interview. These interviews are done one on one with a certified/licensed individual and are comprised of a number of questions that detail a person’s entire life story. The sorts of things that are talked about can include, but are not limited to the following:
  • History of the presenting problem
  • Psychiatric History
  • Family Psychiatric History
  • Trauma History
  • Current/Past Medical conditions, disorders, pathologies
  • Nutritional Assessment
  • Current/Past Medications
  • Alcohol/Substance use History
  • Family History
  • Social History
  • Spiritual/Cultural Factors
  • Developmental History
  • Educational/Vocation History
  • Legal History
When doing an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation with our company you can rest assured that the above items will be asked about so, please have your answers ready prior to your evaluation. One of the most important items on the list when doing an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is the section detailing your legal history. A common misconception that can occur is that the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is only based on the arrest which called for the evaluation. All prior arrests must be divulged as part of the evaluation process. This includes expunged cases, dismissed cases, and even arrests where no charge was made. Failure to provide this information can either leave the evaluator with the option of noting that no recommendation could be made due to lack of information or the justice system not approving the evaluation due to lack of honesty about past situations.
This brings us to an important discussion that will help you get the most out of your evaluation: honesty. The purpose of an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is simple: to either come up with a recommendation or to conclude that no recommendation is necessary. In the case of a court-mandated Alcohol and Drug Evaluation what you are attempting to do as a defendant is making a trade with the justice system. You are trading an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation with the recommended treatment for what would normally be an amount of time in jail, fines to pay, or possible community service to accomplish. There are several things that can influence a recommendation from being a one-time experience into a form of treatment that could take several months or more.
This is where honesty can play a major part. Let’s say for instance that this is your 5th time receiving an arrest for possession of marijuana, but when you go to do your evaluation, you only mention 3 instances. When the information is sent to the justice department whether it be to the court or a probation officer, these individuals have very detailed access to everything that you have ever been arrested for. Upon finding the missing information they can very easily nullify the report and you may end up with even more consequences due to the dishonesty. Not only does it affect the court, but evaluators are also typically very good at what they do, and I can tell you from personal experience that I would prefer blatant honesty to any deceit when making my recommendations.
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations are typically done for court, but there is another realm in which they are very useful and that is when an individual is finally ready to give up a habit of alcohol or any other substances. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is the first step for someone wanting to get past addiction and back to a fulfilling and fruitful life free from the bondage of substance use. An Alcohol and Drug Evaluation can be the foundation upon which you can begin to fortify and construct the rest of your life. Experienced evaluators will help you plan out a system that is capable of getting you sober that will mesh with your lifestyle and level of need.
The issue with the recommendations that can come with an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is that the individuals who are struggling may not want to undertake the reality of what will be necessary in order to become sober. Ask yourself the following question: at what point in your life will you ever think to yourself “I would love to undergo treatment and have it take away from my work and free time so that I can get sober.” The truth is that you will likely NEVER feel this way.
We can’t blame you, but evaluators also will not condone a lackadaisical version of treatment if you are serious about wanting to get your life back in order. This is especially true of individuals who, while not court-mandated, are not here by personal choice, but are here because they are about to lose their job, relationship, children, etc. If you are here for any of the aforementioned reasons, then hearing that you might have to partake in a form of treatment can come as not only a surprise but an insult. I assure you one of the tenants of our evaluators is that we do no harm. All decisions are always made in the best interest of our clients.
So now that we have some of the technical stuff out of the way let me explain what you can actually expect from your Alcohol and Drug Evaluation. First things first if you are reading this then congratulations! You survived 2020! Because of this, I am sure that at this point you are aware of what happened throughout the world when Covid-19 reigned its terror on humanity. The one good thing that came out of Covid-19 is that the entire world figured out that you do not need to go anywhere to do anything anymore.
Thus, the advent of the Virtual appointment began and companies like Zoom watched their stock values skyrocket. So, what does this mean for you? As you can expect it means that you will be able to attend your Alcohol and Drug Evaluation with us Virtually! This means that no matter where you are on earth you simply need access to a phone, tablet, or computer with a camera and internet access. This has provided a level of convenience that we were never privy to in the pre-COVID era where human interaction was a given part of most situations in life. Whether or not the virtual world will be necessary for the future is at this point a moot point because now that we opened up Pandora’s box it can always be argued that safety comes first and doing your appointment from home is always safer than doing anything in real life.
You will be provided with everything that you need when you set up your Alcohol and Drug Evaluation with one of our admins. They will get some basic information that includes the following:
  • First and Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Date of Birth
With these four things noted our admins can begin the process of putting together your personal Alcohol and Drug Evaluation appointment. You will receive an email that if read from top to bottom will provide you with exactly the necessary steps so that not only will you be able to have the evaluation, but you will be able to promptly receive it if not directly after, then either the same or next day. Inside the email, you will find three pieces to the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation puzzle.
First, you will find an intake form. This form can be filled out online by clicking on the provided link. Upon being directed to a new website you will be greeted with a variety of fill-in boxes questions to be answered. Take your time and answer everything to the best of your knowledge. You will find a section labeled “Release of Confidential Information” where if you provide us with a name, email, and/or fax number then we will be able to send your evaluation directly to anyone that you would like us to.
This includes people like probation officers, lawyers, or even your own mother. At the end of this Intake Document, you will run into two screening tools known as the MAST and DAST. These are both “yes or no” questionnaires asking about any prior contact you may have had with alcohol and drugs and the effects that it has had on your life. Please answer honestly. If you do not know or are unsure about an answer, make your best guess. You will be able to speak with the evaluator afterward and they can better explain the question so that you are satisfied with your answer. A common yes or no question that people have issues with is the following: With these four things noted our admins can begin the process of putting together your personal Alcohol and Drug Evaluation appointment. You will receive an email that if read from top to bottom will provide you with exactly the necessary steps so that not only will you be able to have the evaluation, but you will be able to promptly receive it if not directly after, then either the same or next day. Inside the email, you will find three pieces to the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation puzzle.
First, you will find an intake form. This form can be filled out online by clicking on the provided link. Upon being directed to a new website you will be greeted with a variety of fill-in boxes questions to be answered. Take your time and answer everything to the best of your knowledge. You will find a section labeled “Release of Confidential Information” where if you provide us with a name, email, and/or fax number then we will be able to send your evaluation directly to anyone that you would like us to.
This includes people like probation officers, lawyers, or even your own mother. At the end of this Intake Document, you will run into two screening tools known as the MAST and DAST. These are both “yes or no” questionnaires asking about any prior contact you may have had with alcohol and drugs and the effects that it has had on your life. Please answer honestly. If you do not know or are unsure about an answer, make your best guess. You will be able to speak with the evaluator afterward and they can better explain the question so that you are satisfied with your answer. A common yes or no question that people have issues with is the following: With these four things noted our admins can begin the process of putting together your personal Alcohol and Drug Evaluation appointment. You will receive an email that if read from top to bottom will provide you with exactly the necessary steps so that not only will you be able to have the evaluation, but you will be able to promptly receive it if not directly after, then either the same or next day. Inside the email, you will find three pieces to the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation puzzle.
First, you will find an intake form. This form can be filled out online by clicking on the provided link. Upon being directed to a new website you will be greeted with a variety of fill-in boxes questions to be answered. Take your time and answer everything to the best of your knowledge. You will find a section labeled “Release of Confidential Information” where if you provide us with a name, email, and/or fax number then we will be able to send your evaluation directly to anyone that you would like us to.
This includes people like probation officers, lawyers, or even your own mother. At the end of this Intake Document, you will run into two screening tools known as the MAST and DAST. These are both “yes or no” questionnaires asking about any prior contact you may have had with alcohol and drugs and the effects that it has had on your life. Please answer honestly. If you do not know or are unsure about an answer, make your best guess. You will be able to speak with the evaluator afterward and they can better explain the question so that you are satisfied with your answer. A common yes or no question that people have issues with is the following: With these four things noted our admins can begin the process of putting together your personal Alcohol and Drug Evaluation appointment. You will receive an email that if read from top to bottom will provide you with exactly the necessary steps so that not only will you be able to have the evaluation, but you will be able to promptly receive it if not directly after, then either the same or next day. Inside the email, you will find three pieces to the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation puzzle.
First, you will find an intake form. This form can be filled out online by clicking on the provided link. Upon being directed to a new website you will be greeted with a variety of fill-in boxes questions to be answered. Take your time and answer everything to the best of your knowledge. You will find a section labeled “Release of Confidential Information” where if you provide us with a name, email, and/or fax number then we will be able to send your evaluation directly to anyone that you would like us to.
This includes people like probation officers, lawyers, or even your own mother. At the end of this Intake Document, you will run into two screening tools known as the MAST and DAST. These are both “yes or no” questionnaires asking about any prior contact you may have had with alcohol and drugs and the effects that it has had on your life. Please answer honestly. If you do not know or are unsure about an answer, make your best guess. You will be able to speak with the evaluator afterward and they can better explain the question so that you are satisfied with your answer. A common yes or no question that people have issues with is the following: With these four things noted our admins can begin the process of putting together your personal Alcohol and Drug Evaluation appointment. You will receive an email that if read from top to bottom will provide you with exactly the necessary steps so that not only will you be able to have the evaluation, but you will be able to promptly receive it if not directly after, then either the same or next day. Inside the email, you will find three pieces to the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation puzzle.
First, you will find an intake form. This form can be filled out online by clicking on the provided link. Upon being directed to a new website you will be greeted with a variety of fill-in boxes questions to be answered. Take your time and answer everything to the best of your knowledge. You will find a section labeled “Release of Confidential Information” where if you provide us with a name, email, and/or fax number then we will be able to send your evaluation directly to anyone that you would like us to.
This includes people like probation officers, lawyers, or even your own mother. At the end of this Intake Document, you will run into two screening tools known as the MAST and DAST. These are both “yes or no” questionnaires asking about any prior contact you may have had with alcohol and drugs and the effects that it has had on your life. Please answer honestly. If you do not know or are unsure about an answer, make your best guess. You will be able to speak with the evaluator afterward and they can better explain the question so that you are satisfied with your answer. A common yes or no question that people have issues with is the following: With these four things noted our admins can begin the process of putting together your personal Alcohol and Drug Evaluation appointment. You will receive an email that if read from top to bottom will provide you with exactly the necessary steps so that not only will you be able to have the evaluation, but you will be able to promptly receive it if not directly after, then either the same or next day. Inside the email, you will find three pieces to the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation puzzle.
First, you will find an intake form. This form can be filled out online by clicking on the provided link. Upon being directed to a new website you will be greeted with a variety of fill-in boxes questions to be answered. Take your time and answer everything to the best of your knowledge. You will find a section labeled “Release of Confidential Information” where if you provide us with a name, email, and/or fax number then we will be able to send your evaluation directly to anyone that you would like us to.
This includes people like probation officers, lawyers, or even your own mother. At the end of this Intake Document, you will run into two screening tools known as the MAST and DAST. These are both “yes or no” questionnaires asking about any prior contact you may have had with alcohol and drugs and the effects that it has had on your life. Please answer honestly. If you do not know or are unsure about an answer, make your best guess. You will be able to speak with the evaluator afterward and they can better explain the question so that you are satisfied with your answer. A common yes or no question that people have issues with is the following: With these four things noted our admins can begin the process of putting together your personal Alcohol and Drug Evaluation appointment. You will receive an email that if read from top to bottom will provide you with exactly the necessary steps so that not only will you be able to have the evaluation, but you will be able to promptly receive it if not directly after, then either the same or next day. Inside the email, you will find three pieces to the Alcohol and Drug Evaluation puzzle.
First, you will find an intake form. This form can be filled out online by clicking on the provided link. Upon being directed to a new website you will be greeted with a variety of fill-in boxes questions to be answered. Take your time and answer everything to the best of your knowledge. You will find a section labeled “Release of Confidential Information” where if you provide us with a name, email, and/or fax number then we will be able to send your evaluation directly to anyone that you would like us to.
This includes people like probation officers, lawyers, or even your own mother. At the end of this Intake Document, you will run into two screening tools known as the MAST and DAST. These are both “yes or no” questionnaires asking about any prior contact you may have had with alcohol and drugs and the effects that it has had on your life. Please answer honestly. If you do not know or are unsure about an answer, make your best guess. You will be able to speak with the evaluator afterward and they can better explain the question so that you are satisfied with your answer. A common yes or no question that people have issues with is the following: “Do you ever feel bad about your alcohol/drug abuse?” This question tends to trip up individuals who do not partake of drugs or alcohol because they believe that by answering they must be admitting to partaking of either. If you do not drink or do drugs, then the answer to this question is simply no because you never feel bad about something that you do not do!
The next portion of your Alcohol and Drug Evaluation initial email will be the invoice. This invoice can be paid by filling in your preferred method of payments information. We have the ability to accept a variety of forms of payment, but if you do not like to pay for things online then you can always come to our offices in person and pay cash!

Getting Ready for your Evaluation

Finally, at the bottom of your initial email, you will find instructions on how to use the Zoom application if you are unfamiliar with it and we also provide you with a personalized link to your appointment. Attempting to sign in to the appointment early will be met with the following prompt:


Waiting for host to start meeting

This is because it is not yet time for your appointment and they have not turned on the meeting yet. If you come across the following prompt:


Waiting for host to join meeting

Then you are simply waiting for the host to let you in. This can take a few moments while the evaluator gets situated and finalizes everything, they need for a smooth evaluation process.


If for some reason an inordinate amount of time has passed or you feel as though there is an error, then please call our front office at 800-683-7745 and we will gladly assist you.

“This is a great place… The people that work here are good people just trying to get you thru the process… Solomon is an anomaly in his profession.. Thank you for what you guys did for me”
Scott Jackson CEO, Co-Founder

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

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